드디어 나왔다.끝낸지는 꽤 오래됐는데 어제 도착했다.
책이 예쁘게 잘 나왔어요. 산정씨 고마워요
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Hyewon Yum
If you're not sure how to say my name, here I'm saying it for you.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Best Books 2011
The Twin's Blanket is School Library Journal's Best books 2011. HAPPY!
Best Books 2011
Best Books 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Brooklyn Book Festival
10 AM – 6 PM
TARGET CHILDREN’S AREA (Joralemon and Adams Sts.)
3:30 P.M. Hyewon Yum, There Are No Scary Wolves
10 AM – 6 PM
TARGET CHILDREN’S AREA (Joralemon and Adams Sts.)
3:30 P.M. Hyewon Yum, There Are No Scary Wolves
Powerhouse arena

I had reading at the Powerhouse arena. Gaang and I read "the Twin's Blanket" and " There are no scary wolves"
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
어젯밤에 뭐했니

"이번엔 내가 엄마한테 읽어줄래요"
그림으로만 채운 '그림책'
어젯밤에 뭐했니?/염혜원 지음/비룡소 발행·32쪽·8,500원
박선영기자 aurevoir@hk.co.kr
입력시간 : 2011.08.26 20:54:41
글자는 단 하나도 나오지 않는다. 오로지 그림으로만 채워진, 말 그대로 '그림책'이다. 그래서 더 많은 이야기를 풀어낼 수 있고, 글 모르는 아이들도 줄줄줄 읽을 수 있다. 2008년 SCBWI(어린이책 작가 협회)가 시상하는 황금연상(Golden Kite Award)를 받은 데 이어 2009년에는 볼로냐국제아동도서전에서 라가치상 픽션 부문 우수상을 받았다.
적잖은 그림책들이 글밥에 의존해 이야기의 한 구절을 재현하는 데 그치는 반면 이 책은 일정 부분의 스토리를 한 화면에 압축적으로 담아내야 하는 그림책 본래의 소명을 영리하면서도 우직하게 수행해낸다. 엄마한테 반찬투정 하다가 잔뜩 야단을 맞고 토라진 여자아이. 가출하고픈 마음에 곰 인형을 껴안고 잠들었는데, 꿈속에서 인형이 커다란 곰으로 바뀐다. 소녀는 미운 엄마는 싹 잊은 채 곰과 함께 숲 속을 거닐며 여러 동물친구들과 한바탕 신나게 어울려 논다. 마침내 곰과 함께 달빛 아래 들판에 누워 잠을 청한 소녀. 왜 불안하고 잠이 오지 않는 거지? 엄마품이 그리워져 눈을 번쩍 떠보니 곰 인형과 함께 잠든 침대 위다. "엄마~." 이층 계단을 뛰어내려 가니 언제 무슨 일이 있었냐는 듯 포근하게 안아주시는 엄마.
판화로 찍어낸 그림들은 여러 색깔이 겹치고 스며들며 오묘하고 다채로운 분위기를 자아낸다. 갈등의 고조와 해소 장면에 대비되는 색조를 사용, 색으로 감정의 언어를 대신했다. 꿈속 여행장면들도 신비롭고 몽환적이다. 부모가 아이에게 읽어주기보다는 아이들이 자신의 입장에서 부모에게 읽어주도록 해보는 게 좋을 책. 1인칭 체험을 통해 아이 스스로 분노와 미움 같은 감정을 다스리는 법을 배울 수 있을 것이다.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Twin's blanket in NY Times

“Cute” is probably the last word that comes to mind when we contemplate sibling rivalry, followed closely by “endearing,” “charming” and “sweet.” But those are just the words to describe two new picture books about warring siblings aimed at the youngest readers and rivals.
From "Mine!"
“Mine!,” written by Shutta Crum, a librarian and children’s book author (“Thomas and the Dragon Queen”), and illustrated by Patrice Barton (“Sweet Moon Baby”), is a delightful example of the drama and emotion that a nearly wordless book can convey.
Two adults, depicted legs-down from a child’s perspective, deposit a toddler and a baby next to a pile of toys. It’s not clear whether the children are siblings or unwilling playmates. No matter: the conflict rings true either way. And when an equally tenacious dog gets involved, what begins as a battle over treasured playthings turns into a giggly, water-soaked game.
The author, wisely, withholds comment. The only words that appear alongside the exuberant pencil drawings are “mine” and “woof.” But the laughter of young readers will doubtlessly round out the narrative. A spread showing the dog furiously mouthing a sodden toy while the baby explodes in glee is especially scrumptious.
Of course, as children get older, their battles become more complex. Few authors or illustrators get inside the minds of young children as convincingly and compassionately as Hyewon Yum, who was born in South Korea and now lives in Brooklyn. Her two previous picture books, “There Are No Scary Wolves” and “Last Night,” subtly captured the ways in which anger, resentment and fear color child-parent relations. In her new book, “The Twins’ Blanket,” Yum explores the tension between peers — in this instance, identical twin girls who fight over a shared blanket but at the same time fear separation.
For grown-up readers there’s another argument: Which is more wonderful — the text, written exactly in the voice of its 5-year-old heroines (“I think I should have this blanket. Because I’m the big sister, and I can’t sleep without it.” “No, I think I should have it. Because … well … I can’t sleep without it either. And you’re only three minutes older than me!”), or the exquisite illustrations of rosy-cheeked girls, a brightly colored blanket, Asian textiles and lots of white space to accentuate them.
Both books have warmly appealing endings. If only sibling spats always resolved themselves this way.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Review from Booklist
The Twins' Blanket.
Yum, Hyewon (Author) , Yum, Hyewon (Illustrator)
Aug 2011. 40 p. Farrar, hardcover, $16.99. (9780374379728).
Twin girls tell of sharing their toys, clothes, and room. Since birth, they’ve shared a bed and blanket, too, but now that they’re five-years-olds, they’re shifting to twin beds. Neither will give up their beloved striped blanket, so their mother sews half of it onto new material, one of each girl’s choosing, creating a yellow blanket and a pink one. Snug in their new beds on that first night, the sisters, suddenly out of sorts, reach across to hold hands before falling asleep. Yum, herself a twin, includes realistic, lightly competitive banter in the dual narrative, with one child referring to herself as the big sister, and the other pointing out, “You’re only three minutes older than me!” In the artwork, forms stand out clearly, and colors glow on spacious white backgrounds. Combining drawn, painted, and printed effects, the appealing illustrations, simple yet stylized, are as effective as the text. A pleasing picture book for twins, siblings, and even onlies. — Carolyn Phelan
Yum, Hyewon (Author) , Yum, Hyewon (Illustrator)
Aug 2011. 40 p. Farrar, hardcover, $16.99. (9780374379728).
Twin girls tell of sharing their toys, clothes, and room. Since birth, they’ve shared a bed and blanket, too, but now that they’re five-years-olds, they’re shifting to twin beds. Neither will give up their beloved striped blanket, so their mother sews half of it onto new material, one of each girl’s choosing, creating a yellow blanket and a pink one. Snug in their new beds on that first night, the sisters, suddenly out of sorts, reach across to hold hands before falling asleep. Yum, herself a twin, includes realistic, lightly competitive banter in the dual narrative, with one child referring to herself as the big sister, and the other pointing out, “You’re only three minutes older than me!” In the artwork, forms stand out clearly, and colors glow on spacious white backgrounds. Combining drawn, painted, and printed effects, the appealing illustrations, simple yet stylized, are as effective as the text. A pleasing picture book for twins, siblings, and even onlies. — Carolyn Phelan
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Starred review from SLJ
*YUM, Hyewon. The Twins’ Blanket. illus. by author. unpaged. CIP. Farrar/Frances Foster Bks. Aug. 2011. Tr $16.99. ISBN 978-0-374-37972-8. LC 20090460922.
PreS-Gr 2–Five-year-old twins are used to sharing everything: toys, clothes, and a room. They have even shared the same blanket since they were born. But now, it is too small for both of them. When the arguments begin about who it belongs to, they think that maybe it is time they each have some things of their own. But for children who have always shared everything, this proves to be a bit more difficult than they thought. Succinctly told from the perspective of the girls, this tale of sibling rivalry and separation shines. In the simple language of youngsters, it conveys what it is like to share everything while at the same time realizing how comforting it is to have someone to share things with. The simple, almost impressionistic art graces the pages with bright splashes of color and pattern. The expressions on the girls’ faces are delightful and telling, and youngsters will relate to their attempts at one-upmanship. A lovely addition to any collection.–C. J. Connor, Campbell County Public Library, Cold Spring, KY
PreS-Gr 2–Five-year-old twins are used to sharing everything: toys, clothes, and a room. They have even shared the same blanket since they were born. But now, it is too small for both of them. When the arguments begin about who it belongs to, they think that maybe it is time they each have some things of their own. But for children who have always shared everything, this proves to be a bit more difficult than they thought. Succinctly told from the perspective of the girls, this tale of sibling rivalry and separation shines. In the simple language of youngsters, it conveys what it is like to share everything while at the same time realizing how comforting it is to have someone to share things with. The simple, almost impressionistic art graces the pages with bright splashes of color and pattern. The expressions on the girls’ faces are delightful and telling, and youngsters will relate to their attempts at one-upmanship. A lovely addition to any collection.–C. J. Connor, Campbell County Public Library, Cold Spring, KY
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Starred review from PW

The Twins' Blanket
Hyewon Yum. FSG/Foster, $16.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-374-37972-8
Yum's (There Are No Scary Wolves) third picture book shows the author/illustrator thoroughly at home with the picture book form. The conflict between two five-year-old twins is believable ("And we've shared the same blanket ever since we were born.... But we are big girls now.... The blanket has gotten too small for both of us"), and the dialogue is persuasive ("No, I think I should have it. Because... well... I can't sleep without it, either. And you're only three minutes older than me!"). Text and art share equally in the storytelling: the solution to the blanket dispute, for example, is shown, not told (Yum draws the twins' mother cutting the old blanket in two and incorporating each half into a new blanket for each girl). It's an exquisitely designed book: lots of white space focuses attention on unexpected pleasures, like the feet of the twins as they stomp on the fabric in a wash basin. The book's inherent symmetry, with the twins mirroring each other on the left and right sides of the spreads, is a treat as well. Ages 3–6. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 05/23/2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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